Ten Ways to Build a Brand for Your Small Business

If you run your own small business, it’s important to set yourself apart from the competition by creating a unique identity and voice for your company. First off, here are ten strategies you can use to build a brand that will attract customers:

1. Use Social Media to Your Advantage


If you haven’t started using social media yet or aren’t sure where to begin, now is the time! Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow marketers to reach out directly to their target audiences and encourage engagement with product promotions, contests, polls, special offers, etc.

You can also use social media to communicate with your customers about their needs and gain valuable insight into new product development.

2. Be Consistent

The key to building a brand that consumers respond well to is consistency among all marketing channels. You should maintain the same identity, voice, and message across your website, email communications, social media accounts, print materials… everything!

That way, consumers will be able to recognize you anywhere they see or hear your brand name. You can even get creative by tying your brand to a physical location if possible, like with stores or restaurants.

3. Create Catchy Taglines

A catchy tagline can also help consumers remember your business by encapsulating its identity in just a few words. For example, Nike’s slogan “Just Do It” is catchy and memorable.

If you can’t think of a tagline right away, don’t worry. You can continue tweaking and refining it over time before deciding if it is right for your business.

4. Create a Visual Identity

Your logo represents your brand identity and should be displayed prominently on all of your marketing materials. You may want to contact a creative design studio to create this for you, or you could try designing it yourself (however, if you are having trouble coming up with something creative, don’t hesitate to outsource this job).

Be sure to use your logo across all media types, even on your business cards. You shouldn’t have one identity for your website and another for your physical store.

5. Develop a Unique Selling Proposition

Advertising your product or service should be easy if you focus on what makes it stand out from the rest. Your unique selling proposition is essentially your business’s competitive advantage in the marketplace, so be sure to identify this before developing any marketing material.

For example, an upscale restaurant may choose to highlight its high-quality ingredients and focus on cooking everything from scratch.

6. Stay Up-to-Date With Trends

Marketing strategies are constantly evolving to meet consumer demand, so make sure you’re staying up-to-date with these trends by monitoring industry publications and social media networks.

Don’t be afraid to try new things, either. Experimenting with new tactics will help you decide what works best for your unique business identity.

7. Be Conscientious About Pricing

Pricing plays a big role in the success of your small business, obviously not just because you need to turn a profit but also because pricing influences how consumers perceive products and companies.

Don’t cut your prices too low, or you’ll end up with a reputation for offering cheap products. Instead, focus on finding the right market price point for your business. So what is this “right” price? Well, it can’t be said in blanket terms because every market is different, but you’ll need to do some research.

8. Offer Exceptional Customer Service

One of the best ways to build your brand is by offering superior customer service. This will make your customers feel more invested in your company and develop a loyal following.

Always be responsive, attentive, and respectful to each customer’s needs. If you’re having trouble maintaining this level of quality, consider hiring an outside company to manage your customer service.

9. Showcase Your Products Through Videos

We live in an increasingly visual world where consumers are being drawn to video content more than ever before, so use this to your advantage!

Create YouTube videos about your product/service that clearly illustrate its benefits through demonstrations, testimonials, etc.

10. Build a Community

Try to connect with your consumers by establishing a community around your brand. One way you can do this is through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter or other networks where users can share content and engage with each other in discussion threads.

By following these ten tips on how to build a brand for your small business, you’ll be well on your way towards establishing an identity that will set you apart from competitors in this increasingly competitive marketplace.