Why Your E-commerce Website Might Need a Makeover

Majority of online businesses don’t exactly know the right time to revamp their e-commerce website. While outdated information and technical issues might be obvious, what about the subtler signs? To help you out, answer these questions:

  • Is there a decline in your online sales?
  • Is there a decline in your website traffic?
  • Is there an increase in your bounce rates?

If your answer is yes to one or all of these questions, it could indicate that your site needs a makeover and you need the services of a creative agency in Utah. Here are some common reasons for an e-commerce website redesign to get you started.

Your Site Isn’t Fully Optimized for Mobile

As more and more consumers look to their mobile devices for searching and buying products, it’s vital that you offer a similar or the same shipping experience on different screen sizes. Ensure that your website’s mobile version is just as well crafted as your desktop site.

To avoid frustrating potential customers, your mobile site has to seamlessly adapt to different screen sizes so that customers don’t have to adjust their screens just to browse your website. You should tweak text sizes for easier reading and ensure that you have simple navigational tabs for easier searching.

Your Site’s User Experience Is Outdated

Next to fair prices, a website’s usability and other UX-related factors are among the most crucial factors shoppers consider when browsing online. If your site fails to offer an updated and optimized UX that gives users what they want, it’s highly likely that they would leave your site and shop elsewhere.

a woman working

Try to pinpoint potential design defects that could be stopping your site from offering the smoothest UX possible. Pay close attention to analytical data sets and determine the points where users start to disengage and leave. For example, if users are constantly abandoning their carts, this could indicate a problem with your checkout process.

Your Site’s Platform Isn’t Optimized for SEO

A strong search engine optimization (SEO) campaign is one of the key pillars of online success. If shoppers can’t find you online, how could they purchase your products? And although majority of e-commerce websites know and understand how important strong keywords are for product descriptions, this doesn’t necessarily mean that their website is really optimized for SEO.

With that said, try to identify features that would make it easier to use customized page titles, navigation links, meta descriptions, meta tags and URLs in order that your website’s content would be visible enough for search engines.

A total makeover of your e-commerce site could be time-consuming and costly, but in most cases, not entirely necessary. As you could gather from above, some tweaks here and there could have a potent impact on your target customers. Start by evaluating your site’s analytical data so you could figure out what could be leading users to leave your site without purchasing anything. Be on the lookout for what your customers want in an e-commerce site, and then redesign accordingly.