Diversity in the Workplace: How it Helps

meeting concept

If you are putting up a business, you must already know that it is illegal to discriminate against an applicant or employee based on his, her, or their race, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, or disability. It is advisable to get the services of an experienced employment attorney when … Read more

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Reorganizing Investments

businesswoman holding cardboard box with her things

An entrepreneur’s spirit never dies, but just because it never dies doesn’t mean it can’t falter at certain times. So while you’re still at the top of your game, you should take advantage of your abilities and make sure that you are ready to face whatever comes your way. This can mean reorganizing your finances … Read more

Business Survival during COVID-19

employees wearing facemask

The effects of the pandemic on businesses have been devastating. Since it first broke out last year, no small or big business has been safe from its effects. Some have even closed down because of the lockdowns which prevented them from getting any profit. Business owners have been working overtime to keep their businesses afloat. … Read more

Making the right investments as a startup

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One of the many mistakes to avoid as a startup is to avoid spending unnecessary expenses. However, despite all the efforts, many businesses end up falling into this trap. One of the essential steps to prevent needless spending is by creating a business strategy. A business strategy helps you plan your expenses well in advance. But … Read more

How to Start a Business in Theater and Drama

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In the recent past, we’ve seen how art has played a major role in promoting our well-being. It seems like the pandemic has shown us that we all have an insatiable hunger to witness or create any form of art. With that in mind, you’re probably wondering whether you can build a successful business involving … Read more

Great Advice for Small Business Owners

restaurant owner

There is a long list of challenges entrepreneurs face. First, there is the issue of having a great idea. Is there something you have that others want? And if there is, how can you turn the concept you have in your head into a reality? Second, you have to consider several financial and legal aspects. … Read more

Top Ways a Slow Hiring Process is Jeopardizing Your Success

hiring process

The typical hiring process goes like this: The applicant will submit their resume to a company, they’ll get a call if they passed the qualifications, and they’ll show up for a test. Sometimes, an initial interview will occur right after the test, or only if the applicant has passed. But the time between the applicant’s … Read more