COVID Isn’t Just a Threat to Life—It’s a Threat to Livelihood, Too

The coronavirus lockdown showed people that everything that surrounds them is fragile. Their work, social life, physical and mental health, and all other aspects of life have been affected, if not devastated. Humankind hasn’t faced a threat like this in more than 100 years, and the way life works now, this formerly called “just bad flu” gets a free pass to spread everywhere. If there’s anything that starkly presents its effect, it’s the death count: 200,000 and counting.

The loss of life, whether it’s regional or as a whole, is tragic. But, going beyond the lives it claimed, COVID-19 devastated other critical parts of our lives, like our source of income. By August 22, there have been nearly 30 million people who filed for a job aid in one way or another. These people, who never expected a virus from China to take their jobs and put them on edge, mostly counted on their job and their job alone for finances. Without it, there are so many people who are struggling to make ends meet, pay rent, or just survive through daily life. It’s a sobering reminder never to take anything for granted, even things we deem to be only ours to lose.

A Threat to Life and More

it’s also an indication that if you can put up something that’s your own, grab the opportunity. There’s no better time than now to plan for a business that will be your source of income in the present and the near future. You’re not alone, as many people are having the same realization. There are also entities that can help you get a running start on your venture, so you can be sure that you don’t have to be alone as most people have been during this time.

Using Your Time as Investment

online orders

Your work costs you, more than anything, of your time. Now, there’s no harm in putting years in a line of work where your trajectory can only go up. But, as most people can attest to, their jobs are just a way to earn means and not thrive. It’s the product of this economy that provides jobs and not enough opportunities to grow. If you still have a job or been made redundant, there’s no harm in looking at ways to start your food, clothing, or physical therapy business. It’s the best way to use your time. Instead of working for someone, start working for you. Grow what’s yours and get what’s yours. It’s the pillar of the American dream, and it’s more attainable than you think.

As always, starting a business isn’t a one-way street. There’s a steep learning curve before you establish your own company and during your ownership. Finding the right balance, approach, and system for you takes time, but it’s time that works for you and not for anybody else. But, when you find what makes your business unique and a customer base that you can tap into, you can look finally look forward to thriving and not just surviving.

In any location and in any area of business, there’s a gap in the market that’s waiting to be filled. That’s especially true today when businesses are closing left and right. But, with the right strategy and an open mind, you can put yourself in an advantageous position now and in the future.