Things We Can Do to Serve Back Our Retired Troops

We often hear stories of the heroic lives our veterans lived. But it is not a secret that being a part of the military is not for everyone since members can lose a limb and their lives. Hence, repaying those who served and protected us and our country is something any of us can do. Here are things we can do to repay our veterans’ service:

1. Support a Charity or Organization That Serves Veterans

There are many charities and organizations whose visions are focused on making the remaining lives of the veterans and their families better. If you don’t have the time of the day to participate in programs or volunteer works for veterans, you can donate money. There are NGOs such as Soldiers Angels, which is financially transparent, so you’ll know your money is heading towards the right pockets, and the USO has been helping millions of veterans from over 200 locations all over the globe.

2. Create a GoFundMe Campaign for Your Chosen Veterans

If you have been thinking about how you could help raid fund for particular veterans in your community, consider starting a campaign in GoFundMe. It is convenient and wouldn’t take long before you could launch your cause to the whole world. You could begin in just three simple steps.

  • Start your fundraiser. You can do this by setting your fundraiser goal, telling your chosen veterans’ stories, then adding relevant picture/s or video/s.
  • You can share it with your friends via email, text messages, or social media.
  • You can finally accept donations, individually thank donors, and smoothly withdraw funds.

GoFundMe has founded thousands of goods causes such as medical or hospital needs, education funding, after-disaster care, and so on. There are good people all over the world who are just waiting to give to and help others. One user who started to ask for help for his nephew’s medical needs even testified to have raised $10,000 in less than two days.

family hugging retired soldier

3. Introduce Them to Loan Services

Many people are willing to support our veterans, but sometimes, times can be challenging, and there aren’t enough funds to sustain emergency expenses and house loans for retirees. Sadly, some veterans aren’t homeowners yet or chose to settle in another state where they couldn’t afford a home. When this happens, and you also lack the time and resources to help them, introducing government programs offering VA loans can also be the way to go.

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA) prescribes mortgage loans standards, qualifications, and terms. On the other hand, private institutions such as banks or loan corporations provide loans services. These institutions proffer home loans and other housing-related projects to aid eligible veterans or their respective family members in buying, building, repairing, retaining, or adapting a new home for familial occupancy. The terms of payment also vary according to specific needs.

4. Volunteer at Programs Dedicated to Helping Veterans

A great way to start is at Disable American Veterans’ Program, where you can do everyday tasks for veterans like buying groceries, doing yard work, running errands, or providing specialized help. You need to offer your time and effort and what a significant impact it would do to our beloved soldiers. You can also participate in Stand Downs. These are events where you can donate goods and other supplies for homeless vets.

5. Buy Coffee!

That’s right. You can hit two birds in one stone by simply buying a coffee from Green Beans Coffee. They started their journey by building coffee shops on American military bases abroad. To this day, they have shops and stores planted across the globe. They are dedicated to serving troops fresh and first-rate coffees to remind them of the taste of home and give them an energy boost for their long duty.

They also have a program called Cup O’ Joe for a Joe where patriots back home can purchase cups of coffee for forces serving overseas. Troops can then redeem with free vouchers on their overseas military camps. Aside from that, you can also pair your donation with an emailed message of gratitude and support. Troops on the receiving ends usually write back.

Even beyond service, many veterans still desire to go and serve when they could just be contented with the decades of service they have dedicated. However, age can sometimes be unkind to them, and doing basic chores can be a struggle. But there are things that all of us can do to recognize their decades of service and give them the support they deserve.