Make Sure Your Office is Covid-ready with the Right Equipment

COVID-19 refers to a new Coronavirus strain that started to spread in 2019. It was formerly known as the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. According to investigations, the earliest recorded cases of COVID-19 were noticed in Wuhan, China, around December of 2019.

It spreads from one individual to another through contact and droplets from talking, sneezing, and coughing. There’s a high rate of transmission through close contact, especially around family. That is why international regulations dictate that social distancing of more than 1 meter away is required to curb the disease transmission.

The most common signs and symptoms that patients experience are dry cough, fever, and fatigue. Other individuals complain of body pains, sore throats, and diarrhea. According to studies, COVID-19 also manifests as headache, loss of taste or smell, and difficulty breathing.

Recent statistics indicate that there has been a staggering number of cases amounting to 177 million. At least 3.83 million have died. The United States has the most number of COVID cases as well deaths. Today, at least 33.5 million individuals in the US have contracted the disease. And at least 601,000 lives have been taken.

Although most patients with COVID-19 don’t experience more than mild or moderate respiratory conditions, older individuals and those with comorbidities are more at risk. The reason is that they develop severe forms of sickness. As a result, they have higher death rates compared to other groups of people.

The dangers of COVID-19 underscore the importance of hygiene and other health protocols to curb the number of rising cases. This is why each office must have the proper tools and equipment to make sure that the office is sanitary and the people coming in and going out are protected.

Sanitizer Dispensers

sanitizer dispenser

The first thing that offices need is sanitizer dispensers and not just the ordinary kind. Today, it’s more prudent to have a hands-free and high-traffic dispenser. This way, more people have access to the sanitizer, and they don’t have to contact any surface that may be contaminated.

The optimal way of preventing the spread of the virus is to keep your hands clean. It’s not just against COVID-19; it’s also against all other forms of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other pathogens. Cleaning your hands will help keep you safe and healthy. It also prevents further transmission of diseases to other people.

The most recommended way to clean your hands is by washing and rinsing them with water and soap for at least 20 seconds. Unfortunately, water and soap are not always available. It also takes more time and resources, which will ultimately be counterproductive in an office setting. That is why hand sanitizers are more practical.

There are various benefits to using them. For starters, they require less time and can quickly kill bacteria and viruses on the hands. They’re also more accessible compared to going to the sink. In addition, they are less irritating than soap and water and can even improve your skin condition.

You can’t just use ANY hand sanitizer. It must contain at least 70% of alcohol to eliminate viruses. Therefore, a prudent practice is to sanitize your hands at least once every hour. One good thing to remember is that today, businesses can avail of specialized manufacturing for sanitizer dispensers and other COVID-19 protective equipment.

Anti-COVID Barriers

Maintaining safe physical distance from other individuals remains one of the best ways to curb COVID-19 transmission. But it’s always easy to do in an office setting, where people are close to each other, working in tables and cubicles. But, unfortunately, that’s where barriers come in.

Transparent physical barriers are beneficial for settings where it’s impossible to maintain physical distance. They’re great because they can prevent the spread of contaminants while still facilitating communication and interaction with other people. These barriers stop viral transmission by intercepting pollutants such as droplets. They also reinforce physical distancing by keeping people safely apart.

In addition, physical barriers add a layer of protection. However, this doesn’t mean that people should throw away their face masks and shields. And there are many considerations in making barriers. For example, each barrier should accommodate the users. Therefore, it should have sufficient height and width.

Barriers should also have openings for limited interactions, such as the passing of documents and smaller items. The most important consideration is that the material, design, and size of the barrier should facilitate the activities and functions of the user.

It’s important to install sturdy barriers and make sure that the design is not prone to falling or tripping. They should also be cleaned and maintained. COVID-19 is a dangerous