Your Website’s Loading Speed Is the Culprit for Your Failing SEO

First impressions matter even in your website’s loading speed. And we’re not only talking about the speed it takes for your home page to load. We’re talking about every web page on your website—from the About Us page to the Contact Us page. It matters to your audience how many seconds they would have to wait before they see the content of a web page.

The use of automation testing tools is important in maintaining a good loading speed. The regular reports that you will get from these tools will tell you which elements of the page need to be adjusted and how you can improve from the issues that your web pages are currently facing.

Surveys show that you have only two to three seconds to impress your web visitors with the loading speed of your site. If your home page and further web pages fail to load within three seconds, your potential web visitors will close your browser and visit another site. Even if you manage to create killer content, your visitor will need to open the web page first before they can access the information you have placed there.

Remember that a much faster competitor is a click away. If the web visitors are not satisfied with the performance of your website, it is much too easy for them to open another website. Give them a reason to stay on your page by not only providing meaningful and valuable information but also by respecting their time and not stretching out their patience.

Outsourcing IT

Enable Compression

Coding files can be pretty huge. Loading these codes takes time —time that you might not have. You can use an application that will reduce your site’s HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Make sure to compress files that are larger than 150 bytes. Do not use the compression tool on images.

Optimise Images

Instead, you can optimise images using Adobe Photoshop. You have better control over the quality of the photos even if you’ve already reduced their file sizes. Making sure that your files are not larger than they need to be and that they are in the right format is one of the fundamentals of creating a website. Also, remember to use only high-quality original images. Although stock images are okay from time to time, they should not be the norm on your website because it will look just like any other site.

Reduce Redirects

Hosting some elements of your websites on other pages means that your server will need to redirect a page. Web visitors will face additional time waiting for the HTTP request-response cycle to be completed. Again, this slows down the loading speed of the site. Photos can be hosted on a different website. What you must do is to purchase additional bandwidth so that your site can host your images.

Every day, there are new developments in coding, optimisation, and file compression. All of these are intended to make loading web pages faster. As people get inundated with social media and search engines, they become more and more impatient with slow-loading web pages.

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