How Cyber Attacks Happen and Why They Are Targeting SMEs

Small businesses have been the target of cyber attacks in the past few years. Given their limited access to efficient security operations, they are more prone to malware and vulnerable to cyber security threats. Small businesses, in particular, are weak when it comes to various types of cyber attacks

The risk of malware attacks to small and medium enterprises has already grown to at least 235%. That is because these businesses are more vulnerable to attacks since they have more people who are using their system. Cybercriminals are also more focused on businesses that hold a lot of customer information that they could exploit.


Experts often use the term malware for describing malicious software. A few of its examples are ransomware and viruses. Once malware reaches deep inside a network, it can access the system quickly. Even worse, it can also block users to the critical components of the network.


One of the most common ways that cybercriminals infiltrate the system is through phishing. It is when criminals try to secure personal data to commit fraud. They also try to get the system login information. They do it by pretending to be an email coming from a legitimate site.

Man-in-the-middle attacks

It is another term for eavesdropping attacks. Here, attackers place themselves hidden in a two-party transaction. The cybercriminal will attempt to interrupt the traffic, so they can get the data that they want.

This usually occurs when a person uses an unsecured public Wi-Fi. Using one gives these criminals an easy pass to access the visitor’s device. It will also provide them with access to the network without being noticed. Once the malware gains access to the system, the attacker will then install the software. Thus, giving them access to all the victim’s data.

Denial-of-service attacks

man holding digital security label

It is a type of cybercrime operation that floods the servers. It also floods systems or networks with traffic. Doing so lets the culprits get the company’s resources and even their bandwidth. Once they have completed the process, the system will no longer be able to process authorized requests. The criminals can now use various compromised gadgets to begin the attack.

Structured Query Language Injection

This usually happens when the hacker places malicious code into a server that utilizes SQL. The series of codes force shows its data more than it would do. The attacker can do it by sending the code into the website’s search box without any trace.

Zero-Day Exploit

Zero-day exploit happens after the system had a network vulnerability announcement before the IT department implements a solution. The hacker targets the disclosed vulnerability within the time frame that the system is down.

Learning how to protect your company’s information is crucial to ensure its success. There are various ServiceNow implementation services that you can tap into to keep all of your data secured. It is best to keep everyone in your company aware of the necessary information security measures. Doing so will help shield your system from any attacks.