Important Questions to Ask Yourself in Your Search for Burial Grounds

Death is a topic that no one is fond of talking about, even more so when the conversation is about planning how to make your funeral easier for your family to handle. One aspect of preparations is choosing the cemetery plot that you’ll be purchasing for your burial. It can become confusing, given the fact that there are numerous cemeteries and funeral packages to choose from. To help you narrow down your list, ask yourself these important questions during your search:

Will the lot be maintained?

As much as possible, you’d want your final resting place consistently clean and well-maintained for it to be presentable and spare your family the trouble of having to fix it up themselves. Whenever you visit a particular cemetery, check if the property itself is maintained and cleaned on a regular basis. See if personnel are present in the area to do the job. If they aren’t, then chances are that the cemetery sees little attention from its caretakers. Don’t just purchase any plot simply because the price is relatively cheaper than others. A lower price may mean that they’re cutting corners on some aspect of their service.

Is it affordable?

Normally, people would just go for the first offer that they see, but this can mean that they’ll miss out on potentially better deals. Take the time to scour your area, visit many funeral service providers and cemeteries, and talk to them about your desired arrangements for your burial. Once you’ve got a decent amount on your list, compare your notes and choose the ones that give you more value for your money.

Is it near my family’s home?

Family visiting the graveYour family will be visiting your grave, either during special occasions or when they feel like it. They’d want to spend as much time as possible with you, so being buried close to their location is considered ideal. That way, they can visit you whenever they want without having to go through a long and arduous trip to and fro. They won’t have to spend so much on transportation costs, and they’ll be encouraged to drop by more frequently.

Are there any restrictions with markers?

While this may seem quite unusual, some cemeteries allow only certain kinds of markers to be placed on graves. Before you go ahead and purchase or have one made for you, check out which types of headstones are allowed in Bountiful to see if your desired marker fits their criteria. These rules vary from one cemetery to another, but generally, the limitations revolve around the material used for the headstone, as well as its physical features like shape and color.

This may be the very last subject that you’d want to discuss, but you have to admit that it’ll come sooner or later. Hence, it’s best to be prepared for it. You don’t have to rush it, of course. Just get every aspect out of the way early so that when the time comes, your family will have less to worry about. Your passing does not need to be more stressful than it already is, so start planning when you’re still able.

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